Don't Be Shortchanged: Calculate Your True Salary with TrueSelfy

Your salary is more than just a number on your paycheck. It encompasses various components, from basic pay to bonuses, benefits, and deductions. Understanding your true salary is crucial for financial planning and ensuring that you are not shortchanged in your professional journey. This blog explores the concept of TrueSelfy—a holistic approach to calculating your true salary . The Basics of Salary Whenever a tech professional think about the compensation, it only thought about the basic pay and nothing else. However, it is just the cherry on the top. In general, the basic pay is considered as the fixed salary that is permanent in your compensation. It forms the foundation of your earnings, but to assess your true financial standing, you must consider other elements. Beyond Basic Pay Bonuses and Incentives: Many companies offer bonuses or performance incentives as a reward for achieving specific targets or goals. These additional earnings can significantly boost your overall income. Th...